Dear neighbors,

It is an honor to serve Woodbury in the Minnesota House of Representatives. I am committed to helping our state recover and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring that all Minnesotans have affordable health care, great educational opportunities, and economic opportunity. We need to help Minnesotans get through this pandemic and thrive after it ends. 

State representatives have been discussing issues that are important to Minnesotans since the legislative session began in January. I would like your feedback on some of the issues that have come up for discussion. Please take this short survey to share your thoughts and experiences. 

Please get in touch with me anytime. I appreciate hearing from you! 


Rep. Steve Sandell

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* 1. Please enter your contact information below. 

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* 2. If you'd like to recieve regular updates on my work at the Capitol and in our community, please enter your email address below. 

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* 3. State funding for education hasn't kept up with inflation, resulting in ongoing under-investment in our schools. Do you support stronger state funding for education to ensure children across Minnesota have access to the same high-quality education? Or do you believe the state should provide only basic funding, and local school districts should pass property tax referendums if they would like higher quality or additional opportunities for students?

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* 4. Minnesota workers should have time to care for themselves and their loved ones when they’re sick. COVID-19 has made it clear that this is important not just for families’ economic security, but to protect public health. Do you support or oppose creating a paid family and medical leave program so everyone can access this benefit?

The program would be funded by contributions from employers and employees, just like Unemployment Insurance. Each would contribute .3 percent of their paycheck. For workers earning Minnesota's average wage, this would be $3.23 per week.

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* 5. Climate change is one of the most significant threats to Minnesota’s future economic growth and vitality. Which of the following steps to protect our state for future generations do you support? Check all that apply.

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* 6. The killing of George Floyd sparked a national conversation about policing and racial equity. While legislators worked with community members and law enforcement to increase police accountability and improve public safety last summer, more work needs to be done in this area and others in order to ensure all Minnesotans can succeed. Which of the following measures do you support? Check all that apply.

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* 7. How do you feel about state government as a whole?

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* 8. It's important to me to have as much input as possible as I advocate for our community at the Capitol. What forms of communication have you found most accessible and helpful? Check all that apply, and feel free to share additional feedback.

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* 9. Please feel free to share any other comments you have. You can also email me at