Dear Neighbors,

It’s an honor to serve our community at the Capitol. Since the legislative session began in January, we've been busy discussing issues that are important to Minnesotans. 

As your representative, I’m committed to helping our state recover and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring that all Minnesotans have affordable health care, great educational opportunities, and economic security. We need to help Minnesotans get through this pandemic and thrive after it ends. 

I’d like your feedback on some of the issues that have come up for discussion at the legislature.  If you’d like, please complete this survey by April 15. 

Please get in touch with me anytime. I appreciate hearing from you!


Rep. Ami Wazlawik 

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* 1. Please enter your contact information below.

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* 2. If you'd like to receive regular updates from Rep. Wazlawik, please enter your email address below.

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* 3. COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives, but it hasn’t hit everyone equally. How have you or your family been impacted by COVID-19? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. Do you or your family face any of the following obstacles to accessing affordable health care? (Check all that apply)

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* 5. The pandemic has made it clear that workers should be able to take time off to care for loved ones or themselves when they’re sick. This is important not just for families’ economic security, but to protect public health. Do you support or oppose creating a paid family and medical leave program so everyone can access this benefit? (Employers and employees would each contribute a small increment from each paycheck to fund the paid time off.)

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* 6. Do you support the legalization, regulation, and taxation of adult use cannabis?

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* 7. What is the rationale for your support or lack of support?

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* 8. What are the most important issues that need to be addressed related to the legalization of adult use cannabis? (Check up to three)

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* 9. What concerns you most about the future of our state?

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* 10. Our state works best when Minnesotans' voices are heard. Please feel free to share any other comments you have with me.