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2021 Local Working Group Survey Introduction

As a part of an on-going effort to keep making improvements with our Farm Bill program offerings, it is essential that we obtain input from our conservation partners at the field level. It is NRCS role to provide leadership and technical assistance for the conservation of our natural resources to ensure the continued production of food and fiber. To gather this information I am inviting you to participate in this year’s Local Working Group Survey. The information you provide in this survey will be provided to the VA NRCS State Office Technical committee and will be used to help shape FY-22 program offerings. Thank you in advance for your participation.

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* 1. EQIP Incentive Contracts are a new enrollment option created in section 2304 of the 2018 Farm Bill. New EQIP Incentive Contracts can address up to three priority resource concerns (updated list in 2019) for each of the relevant land uses within state identified watersheds or other areas of high priority. Contract lengths range from a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years with an aggregate payment limitation of $200,000 for a person or legal entity. What locations should be considered for a high priority area?

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* 2. Which practices should qualify as incentive practices for each land use within each high priority area identified in question l.

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* 3. How much EQIP General funding should be dedicated to EQIP Incentive Contracts? Remember that 50% must go to livestock, 10% for wildlife, 5% for Beginning Farmers and 5% for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers.

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* 4. The 2018 Farm Bill mandates that NRCS nationally designate 10% of overall conservation program funding to Source Water Protection Areas. In FY19, a subcommittee of the State Technical Committee identified Luray and Woodstock as the two source water protection priorities for Virginia. A list and map of new additional areas added in FY20 can be found on the Programs SharePoint site in the FY21 EQIP Handbook. What other areas should be considered?

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* 5. What analyses should be done on source water protection area prioritization (e.g. land use, nutrient loss, etc.)?

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* 6. Source Water Protection areas may also have a list of up to 10 priority practices that pay a 90% payment rate. This list is separate and distinct to the list for EQIP.
What practices should be considered for the higher payment rate?

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* 7. Shared technical assistance is Virginia's number one priority for Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) proposal consideration. The ideal RCPP project will include financial assistance contributions and align partner technical assistance contributions to RCPP-funded FA activities so that NRCS staff are not responsible for 100% of the work for an RCPP project. What other priorities should we consider?

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* 8. Has the Conservation District considered applying for RCPP funding? Please explain.

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* 9. What enhancements are needed for CSP that are currently not offered? Please explain.

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* 10. Has the Conservation District considered applying to be a TSP (Technical Service Provider)? Please explain.

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* 11. The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program ranking criteria offers an option to provide ranking points for an Agricultural Land Easement plan (Highly Erodible Land conservation plans are the only remaining requirement) and for a Sentinel Landscape project location. Sentinel landscapes are geographic areas designated to protect conservation priorities and national defense (protect the military mission from incompatible development). Should NRCS Virginia award 5, 10, or 15 points for an ALE plan?

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* 12. Should NRCS Virginia award 5, 10, or 15 points for a Sentinel Landscape project location?

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* 13. What priority topics should be offered in a state Conservation Innovation Grant announcement in FY22?

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* 14. Please provide other information and recommendations on local natural resource priorities and criteria for USDA conservation activities and programs.

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