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* 1. Our meetings this past year have been very different than our normal face to face meetings.  Did you have trouble with the technology at this meeting?

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* 2. Did the Worship Service give you the opportunity to experience God and hear God's word?

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* 3. Our worship service included the celebration of Lord's Supper.  Please let us know how you would rate your experience of this live streaming celebration of communion.

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* 4. Was the business handled efficiently and thoroughly?

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* 5. How often do you join us for social time following the presbytery meeting?

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* 6. Of course it is not like being face to face, but did you feel the post meeting social time via Zoom fed your desire to be connected with others?

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* 7. In a few words describe your experience at this Presbytery meeting.

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* 8. If you attended any of the 2020 Virtual Presbytery Meetings and this February 2021 meeting, how would you rate the zoom/technology experience between the earlier meetings and this meeting and why?

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* 9. Do you have other comments or suggestions for the Presbytery Meetings and Events Committee?

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* 10. Please tell us who is completing this survey (please check one):