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Welcome to the survey!

What an exciting year to heal and make plans for a post-COVID world! As Region Five Development Commission (R5DC) and North Central Economic Development Association (NCEDA) embark on a combined regional economic development plan and strategic planning process, we want to hear from you! 

You will be asked for input about community services, infrastructure, economic competitiveness, and the workforce within our region. Answer what you can or what you know. If you don't have a comment or response, feel free to leave it blank. Thank you for completing this quick 10-minute survey to define critical issues and help shape our role in service to our communities.
If you would like a refresher on R5DC/NCEDA, please take a moment to head over to our website to review our work &/or this link to review regional data.

With gratitude,
The team at R5DC & NCEDA 
0 of 45 answered