Please complete all of the questions below -

Welcome to the 2021 ACI Employment Trends Survey!

Never in our industry's history has there been a more critical need to forecast where employment trends are heading.

The ACI Report will be in its 9th year of production when released and we again seek your help to participate in this anonymous 5 minutes survey. 

For your participation, you will receive a FREE report upon its release.

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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Please indicate which levels of education you have completed: (multiple answers are accepted)

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* 5. What is the name of your current organisation? (Kept CONFIDENTIAL)

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* 6. How many people are employed by your current organisation?

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* 7. How many years have you worked with your current employer?

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* 9. How many years have you worked in your current industry?

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* 11. What is your current type of employment?

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* 12. What is your ANNUAL (12 months) basic salary?

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* 13. Did you receive commission on top of your basic salary?

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* 14. What additional benefits do you receive in addition to your basic salary? Please tick all that apply.

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* 15. Was your salary impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020?

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* 16. If impacted, by what percentage was salary reduced due to Covid-19?

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* 17. If your salary INCREASED in the past 12 months, what was the percentage? (Leave blank if no increase was received)

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* 18. If you received a bonus in the last 12 months, please indicate the amount (leave blank if no bonus was received).

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* 19. How would you rate your career progression opportunities within your current company?

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* 20. How would you rate your company's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic? I.e. internal communication, staffing strategies and support, health & safety etc.

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* 21. How would you rate the training & development received from your current company?

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* 22. Did you take up any training, short courses and/or higher education programs during this Covid-19 period?

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* 23. How important is career progression to you within your current industry?

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* 24. Has Covid-19 affected your confidence to continue/pursue a career within tourism industry?

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* 25. When you accepted your current role, how important was salary in the decision making?

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* 26. Are you expecting to change employment within the next 12 months?

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* 27. If you experienced work from home during Covid-19, what would be your future work preference?

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* 28. HIRING MANAGERS - are you or your company expected to hire new staff in the next 12 months?

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* 29. HIRING MANAGERS - If no hiring or more retrenchments are expected, when do you expect headcounts to be back to pre Covid-19 levels?

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* 30. What is your email address?
(Kept CONFIDENTIAL - allows us to send you a copy of the report)