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Thanks for taking part in the largest legal business sentiment study.

It will only take you 5 minutes to complete the survey.

We will also be giving away a $300 Preezze eGift card to one lucky partcipant. Simply submit the below information to enter the draw.

Thank you for your time.

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* 1. Please enter your contact details

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* 2. What areas of law do you practice in?

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* 3. How many staff are in your business?

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* 4. Which parts of your work do you enjoy most? (rank from 1-4)

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* 5. How often does your firm bill?

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* 6. Do you have a regular billing cycle?

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* 7. How much time do you spend typing time entries, including detailed descriptions each day?

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* 8. Do you have a bookkeeper?

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* 9. Do you have a set process for following up unpaid invoices?

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* 10. Have you ever outsourced your debt collection?

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* 11. If not, would you consider doing so in the future?

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* 12. What are your payment terms?

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* 13. Do you find it uncomfortable discussing money with your clients?

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* 14. Please explain your answer

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* 15. What percentage of your clients on average are usually past their due date?

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* 16. What are the principal reasons that a client has not paid their bill? (choose answers that apply)

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* 17. What is the main reason for billing disputes?

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* 18. What happens when you exceed the quoted time/effort on a fixed fee matter?

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* 19. If a bill is more than 100 days overdue, how likely are you to receive payment?

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* 20. Would you agree with the statement that you have provided discounts, or have written off  legal work even before invoicing clients at some point in 2021?

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* 21. What percentage of matters would you discount?

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* 22. What is the most likely reason you have discounted your bill?

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* 23. How much time on average would invoicing and billing take per month?

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* 24. Does your business have a standardised billing process and uses technology to manage invoices?

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* 25. Does your business use software to automatically track time and generate fee entries?

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* 26. If you implemented this software during or before 2020, has the investment in this technology already proved to assist your business with cash flow management challenges?

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* 27. If yes, how: (tick all that apply)

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* 28. Do you think COVID has affected your clients ability to pay?

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* 29. Please explain your answer

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* 30. How often do you review your aged debtors?

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* 31. Do you send invoices and banking details out through email, or do you use a secure portal?

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* 32. How secure is your billing software?

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* 33. If you use a third party provider, have you done due diligence on their security?

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* 34. Would you agree with the statement that technology helps with billing administrative efficiency?

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* 35. What payment system are you currently using?

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* 36. What’s your biggest challenge with the billing process?

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