
We are delighted you will be submitting a nomination for The Institute of Risk Management South Africa’s (IRMSA) 2021 Awards.

Before you start with the online submission, as a reminder the criteria for the Up and Coming Risk Manager of the Year are:
  • Candidate should have 3-5 years’ experience in the Risk Management Industry (Can have a wealth of experience in other fields)
  • Candidate must clearly demonstrate how they have made an impact on the Risk Management processes within their organisation
  • Candidate should show great potential of being a future IRMSA Risk Manager of the Year

Some suggestions to help you:
  1. We suggest collecting all necessary information required prior to completing the online nomination
  2. It is possible to start the nomination by completing minimum mandatory fields and to then go back and add further details at a later stage.  However, the same device that was used initially (i.e. laptop, tablet, smart device etc.), must be used again to access the nomination.  The website will remember your information for you to access in the future from that same device
  3. Click Next Page before exiting as this saves the information submitted on that page

The closing date for nominations is Friday, 20 August 2021

Should you have any questions or queries, please contact us on 011 555 1800 or communications@irmsa.org.za

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your nomination!