Nomination Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2019

Institutions are invited to nominate one eCourse to receive this award.  An eCourse is defined as one where fifty percent or more of the instruction and activities take place at a distance.  Only courses developed in-house at a post-secondary institution will be considered.

The course must be designed with a high level of interactivity, multimedia, communication, and variety of instructional and course management strategies. These strategies must be replicable and assist an instructor to facilitate more effectively; continuously evaluate student performance and course quality; and provide an outstanding educational experience for the students. Information about the course will be gathered from the application and access to the course for verification and review will be used for the evaluation.

It is suggested that eCourses are nominated by their institution’s president/CEO, Provost/Academic Vice President, dean, department chair, faculty, or instructional designer. Nominees should not use more space than is allotted on the application. An excellent overall plan of instructional design must be present throughout the course presentation, content, activities, evaluation, and course management.

* Note that if you include any links in the following application form, you must write out the full URL, since Survey Monkey will not translate a phrase or word that has an underlying hyperlink.

Question Title

* 1. Fully-online course name.

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* 2. Nominator's contact information.

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* 3. Please provide the contact information for the primary contact for the course, i.e. the faculty member or team leader who is responsible for creating, designing or administering the course and for making it excellent.

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* 4. Please provide online access to the course which is being nominated, so our panel of judges can explore it in its entirety (or as much as is possible within the bounds of maintaining student privacy) -- include the URL and any required log-in names, passwords, or other information.

Question Title

* 5. Why are you nominating this eCourse to receive an award from ITC? Briefly describe the course and explain why it is unique and deserving of this award. Include a description of the overall instructional design including ease of navigation, and explain how the course promotes mastery learning of course learning objectives. (500 word maximum)

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* 6. Describe examples of effective communication strategies and activities that promote interactivity among students, and between students and the instructor. Provide links where appropriate. (200 word maximum)

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* 7. Describe examples of outstanding eCourse design features, navigation, and course resources used. Provide links where appropriate. (200 word maximum)

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* 8. Please provide examples of content accessibility for diverse students with unique learning abilities (e.g. ADA compliance).  (100 word maximum)

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* 9. Explain methods of evaluating student performance and ensuring that learning objectives are met. Provide links where appropriate. (100 word maximum)

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* 10. List opportunities for student feedback regarding eCourse content and instruction and examples of formal course evaluation methods. Provide links where appropriate. (100 word maximum)

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* 11. If seected, the nominee has the funding and support to attend the ITC eLearning Annual Conference to accept the award.