We value your input. Thank you for responding!

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* 1. If  in-person Garden classrooms remain closed into 2021, would you be interested in continuing online classes?

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* 2. Have you taken any online classes with Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden from July on?

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* 3. If yes, what subject areas are of interest to you? Check all that apply

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* 4. Are you comfortable with using technology (computer, laptop, smart phone, tablet) to access programming?

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* 5. Which online class options have you used? Check all that apply.

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* 6. What devices do you use to access online content? Please check all that apply

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* 7. What formats would you prefer? Check all that apply

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* 8. If the virtual class or demonstration requires materials for participation, how would you like to acquire these?

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* 9. How likely are you to return to Lewis Ginter for a class when it is safe to do so?

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* 10. Once in-person classes are offered at the Garden again, how comfortable will you feel with returning to the classroom?

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* 11. Once in-person classes are available at the Garden, how interested would you be continuing to participate in some online learning options?

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* 12. Are you a member of Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden?

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* 13. Please tell us your suggestions for future programming in Adult Continuing Education at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.