Question Title

* 2. Have you attended previous Thrombosis Canada conferences?

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* 3. Most of the patients with thrombosis that I see have problems in the following areas, so I would be interested in CPD on these topics:

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* 4. List the two diagnoses/clinical problems in thrombosis that you most frequently encounter:

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* 5. What skills or procedures related to thrombosis would you benefit from learning or reviewing?

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* 6. Which of the following subject areas in thrombosis would you benefit in learning more about? (Please check off all that apply):

  Very interested Interested Somewhat interested Low interest Not interested N/A
Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis following hip and knee replacement surgery
Thrombosis management in special populations (obesity, thrombophilia, elderly, etc)
Warfarin use in 2020: who, what, why, when, how
Thrombosis in indigenous people
Peripheral vascular disease
Periprocedural management of anticoagulation
Diagnosis of DVT/PE
Estimating bleeding risk while on anticoagulants
Thrombophilia testing: pearls and pitfalls
Treatment of cancer associated thrombosis
Thrombosis management in the emergency department
Management of clots at unusual sites
Immobility and thrombosis risk
VTE and women's health
Anticoagulation and renal failure
Distal/below knee DVT
Primary prevention of cancer associated thrombosis
Anticoagulants and antiplatelet therapy
Acute and long-term management of VTE
Superficial venous thrombosis
AFib and other cardiac disease

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* 7. Where do you go to get information about thrombosis (website(s), publication, colleague, etc.)? Please list all sources.

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* 8. Additional comments

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* 9. Name (Optional for $10 discount to conference)

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* 10. E-mail address (Optional for $10 discount to conference)