2020 livestock workshop evaluation Question Title * 1. On a scale from 1 to 5, to what extent has your knowledge of the following topics increased as a result of participating in the livestock workshop? (1 = no increase, 5 = great increase) 1 (no increase) 2 3 4 5 (great increase) Potential livestock enterprises Potential livestock enterprises 1 (no increase) Potential livestock enterprises 2 Potential livestock enterprises 3 Potential livestock enterprises 4 Potential livestock enterprises 5 (great increase) Enterprise budgets Enterprise budgets 1 (no increase) Enterprise budgets 2 Enterprise budgets 3 Enterprise budgets 4 Enterprise budgets 5 (great increase) Rotational grazing and fencing Rotational grazing and fencing 1 (no increase) Rotational grazing and fencing 2 Rotational grazing and fencing 3 Rotational grazing and fencing 4 Rotational grazing and fencing 5 (great increase) Sustainable beef production Sustainable beef production 1 (no increase) Sustainable beef production 2 Sustainable beef production 3 Sustainable beef production 4 Sustainable beef production 5 (great increase) Sustainable poultry production Sustainable poultry production 1 (no increase) Sustainable poultry production 2 Sustainable poultry production 3 Sustainable poultry production 4 Sustainable poultry production 5 (great increase) Sustainable goat production Sustainable goat production 1 (no increase) Sustainable goat production 2 Sustainable goat production 3 Sustainable goat production 4 Sustainable goat production 5 (great increase) Sustainable sheep production Sustainable sheep production 1 (no increase) Sustainable sheep production 2 Sustainable sheep production 3 Sustainable sheep production 4 Sustainable sheep production 5 (great increase) Sustainable dairy production Sustainable dairy production 1 (no increase) Sustainable dairy production 2 Sustainable dairy production 3 Sustainable dairy production 4 Sustainable dairy production 5 (great increase) Question Title * 2. After participating in the livestock workshop, on a scale from 1 to 5, how prepared are you to continue working on the following tasks? (1 = not at all prepared, 5 = very prepared) 1 (not at all prepared) 2 3 4 5 (very prepared) Developing enterprise budgets for your chosen livestock Developing enterprise budgets for your chosen livestock 1 (not at all prepared) Developing enterprise budgets for your chosen livestock 2 Developing enterprise budgets for your chosen livestock 3 Developing enterprise budgets for your chosen livestock 4 Developing enterprise budgets for your chosen livestock 5 (very prepared) Using sustainable livestock practices Using sustainable livestock practices 1 (not at all prepared) Using sustainable livestock practices 2 Using sustainable livestock practices 3 Using sustainable livestock practices 4 Using sustainable livestock practices 5 (very prepared) Creating a livestock production plan Creating a livestock production plan 1 (not at all prepared) Creating a livestock production plan 2 Creating a livestock production plan 3 Creating a livestock production plan 4 Creating a livestock production plan 5 (very prepared) Implementing a rotational grazing program Implementing a rotational grazing program 1 (not at all prepared) Implementing a rotational grazing program 2 Implementing a rotational grazing program 3 Implementing a rotational grazing program 4 Implementing a rotational grazing program 5 (very prepared) Drafting your whole farm plan Drafting your whole farm plan 1 (not at all prepared) Drafting your whole farm plan 2 Drafting your whole farm plan 3 Drafting your whole farm plan 4 Drafting your whole farm plan 5 (very prepared) Question Title * 3. Please list one idea you learned in the livestock workshop you plan to investigate further: Question Title * 4. Please list one idea you learned in the livestock workshop you plan to put into practice: Question Title * 5. How soon do you plan to put the idea you listed in the previous question into practice? Less than 3 months 3-6 months 7-12 months More than 12 months Question Title * 6. On a scale from 1 to 5, how effective were the following components of the livestock workshop at helping you increase your understanding of sustainable livestock production? (1 = not at all effective, 5 = very effective) 1 (not at all effective) 2 3 4 5 (very effective) Webinar presentations Webinar presentations 1 (not at all effective) Webinar presentations 2 Webinar presentations 3 Webinar presentations 4 Webinar presentations 5 (very effective) In-class discussions and activities In-class discussions and activities 1 (not at all effective) In-class discussions and activities 2 In-class discussions and activities 3 In-class discussions and activities 4 In-class discussions and activities 5 (very effective) Interaction with experienced farmers Interaction with experienced farmers 1 (not at all effective) Interaction with experienced farmers 2 Interaction with experienced farmers 3 Interaction with experienced farmers 4 Interaction with experienced farmers 5 (very effective) Interaction with Extension faculty &/or other professionals Interaction with Extension faculty &/or other professionals 1 (not at all effective) Interaction with Extension faculty &/or other professionals 2 Interaction with Extension faculty &/or other professionals 3 Interaction with Extension faculty &/or other professionals 4 Interaction with Extension faculty &/or other professionals 5 (very effective) Interaction with other class members Interaction with other class members 1 (not at all effective) Interaction with other class members 2 Interaction with other class members 3 Interaction with other class members 4 Interaction with other class members 5 (very effective) Question Title * 7. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the livestock workshop? Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor Question Title * 8. How much of the assignments and readings on the course website did you complete before the livestock workshop? All Some None Question Title * 9. At what site did you participate in the livestock workshop? Boise/Caldwell Driggs Grangeville McCall Sandpoint Question Title * 10. What suggestions do you have to improve the livestock workshop? Question Title * 11. Are you a military veteran? Yes No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 12. What is your gender? Question Title * 13. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are increasing our online programming. Please tell us what topics you are interested in learning about through webinars, online courses, or podcasts: Done