Annual Needs Assessment

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* 1. Have you or someone in your organization attended one of the LTAP workshops in the past year?

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* 2. If yes, did you attend an in-person workshop or a virtual workshop (webinar)?

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* 3. If you attended a virtual event, what are some of the things you liked about it?

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* 4. If you attended a virtual event, is there anything that you did not like about it?

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* 5. How likely are you to attend a virtual event in the future?

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* 6. How likely are you to attend an in-person workshop event in the future?

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* 7. If you have attended a virtual workshop in the past year, how do you feel about it when comparing to in-person workshops?

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* 8. Do you have access to an email address and a computer/smartphone/laptop/tablet with internet service available to attend virtual training?

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* 9. Do you hold any of the following New Jersey Professional Licenses?

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* 10. Are you an employee of a local public agency (town, township, borough, county, city)

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* 11. If yes, have you attended any of our Federal-aid related training courses?

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* 12. Are you familiar with the Federal Highway Administration’s Every Day Counts (EDC) program?

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* 13. Do you know if your agency has implemented any EDC initiatives?

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* 14. If your agency has implemented an EDC initiative(s), please tell us the name of your agency and a little about the EDC initiative(s) that have been put into use:

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* 15. Please list any roadway management, maintenance, engineering, and transportation innovation topics or related professional development topics that you would like to see in future workshops:

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* 16. Please list any other suggestions or comments you have to help us improve our program:

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* 17. Would you be interested in receiving emailed information concerning items such as MUTCD changes, course offerings, free webinars, and other technical information related to transportation? If so, please include your email address: