Eleven years ago, the TS Alliance launched an initiative with the specific goal to make every adult with TSC feel welcome and valued in the TSC community. This initiative has grown to incorporate various volunteer leadership positions with individuals dedicated to supporting other adults with TSC, as well as dependent adults and their caregivers.

The late Keith Hall was an adult with TSC who led in the development of this initiative. He gave selflessly of his time to serve on the TS Alliance Board of Directors, Adult Task Force, and serve as a spokesperson for our adult efforts. In addition, he took his passion and advocacy for all individuals and families affected by TSC and channeled it into his local TSC community through the Step Forward to Cure TSC Walk, community gatherings and educational meetings, and marching on Capitol Hill.  

In honor of Keith’s legacy, the TS Alliance has created the Keith Hall Distinguished Leadership Award. The annual recipient of this award will be an adult with TSC whose efforts mirror that of our most passionate advocates.

Required Criteria: Adult with TSC

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the volunteer's contact information below:

Question Title

* 2. Please provide the nominator's contact information below: