Please submit a separate form for each meeting you attended.

Thank you for joining your fellow addiction professionals from across the country for the NAADAC 2020 Virtual Hill Day and meeting with our Members of Congress to advocate for the addiction workforce and those it serves!

Please fill out and submit the below form about your meeting on Capitol Hill.

If you have any questions, please contact NAADAC Director of Communications Kristin Hamilton, JD, at

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your name.

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your email address.

Question Title

* 3. Member of Congress (Name):

Question Title

* 4. State/District:

Question Title

* 5. Name(s) & title(s) of staff present:

Question Title

* 6. Met directly with Senator/Representative?

Question Title

* 7. First time meeting with this staffer?

Question Title

* 8. Name(s) of attendee(s) from your state:

Question Title

* 9. What issues did your group discuss during the visit? Please be specific:

Question Title

* 10. What commitments, if any, did your legislator or his/her staffer make regarding his/her willingness to support the issues you raised? Please be specific:

Question Title

* 11. Are there any programs of which your legislator is particularly supportive? Please be specific:

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* 12. Did your legislator raise any concerns regarding the issues you discussed? Please be specific:

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* 13. Was the legislator’s office interested in learning about addiction professionals and the clients we serve?

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* 14. Did the legislator’s office commit to supporting NAADAC’s workforce and infrastructure funding requests?

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* 15. Did the legislator’s office commit to supporting legislation to address SUD parity?

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* 16. Did the legislator’s office express interest in working/championing legislation to address credentialing?

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* 17. Did the legislator’s office ask for or seem interested in additional information that NAADAC could provide?

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* 18. Planned follow-up with staff person, Senator, or Representative (please select all that apply):