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Welcome to 2020 Employee of the Year Nomination Form

We want to celebrate the unsung Kaweah Delta heroes who work among us each and every day. Please tell us why the employee you are nominating should be recognized and why you believe they are a "hero" at Kaweah Delta and in the community. Please complete the questionnaire below by describing the areas where this employee excels and providing specific examples in the comment sections.

● Applications takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
● Applications must include specific examples and be completed in full. REMEMBER: This application will be used to determine whether or not your nominee will be considered for the Employee of the Year award. Providing specific details and examples for the committee to review is important.

● Demonstrates significant organizational leadership skills
  • Chelsey RN recognized an increased trend in surgical site infections on her unit. Through the introduction of forced warming units to promote normothermia and CHG pre-operative skin cleansing their rates of SSIs on her unit were reduced dramatically. She used her resources and spearheaded this important practice change.
● Demonstrates community service by mentoring with the Visalia Unified School District Linked Learning Program.
  • Sits on the council for Linked Learning and mentors students in the program for the 100 hour summer mentor program. Participates on the board level, contributing to the mentor education of students in their particular field of expertise.
● Applications with empty fields will not be considered.

  • Must be a Kaweah Delta employee in good standing
  • Must have five or more years of employment with Kaweah Delta
  • Directors are not eligible for nomination.
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