Please fill out this survey as accurately as possible. All responses will be confidential.

We are collecting contact information so we can follow up if we need more information about a policy within your agency. 

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* 1. Please fill out your name and contact information so we can follow up with you.

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* 2. Under the Hogan Administration your buying power has:

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* 3. Does the Hogan Administration take the proper steps to ensure your safety at work? 

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* 4. If you work out of the home, what type of remote work equipment do you need?

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* 5. What type of changes to your at work equipment or uniform do you need?

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* 6. I have access to all the personal protective equipment (PPE) I need in order to do my job safely.

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* 7. During the pandemic, how easy is it to balance your work life and personal life where you work?

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* 8. How effective is the training you receive from your supervisor?

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* 9. My job performance is evaluated fairly.

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* 10. What concerns do you have in our current contract AND how would you like to see them be addressed? Please refer to the exact contract language in your response.

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* 11. What other issues are most important for you ? (in order)

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* 12. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?