2020 Child Health Research Centers Meeting Post Survey

1.Please rate the following aspects of the event:
Very Satisfied
Very Dissastified
Oral presentation sessions
Pre-Recorded Poster Blitz Sessions
Live Poster Session Zoom Rooms
Keynote Presentation Dr. Max Cooper
Special Recognition of Dr. Arnie Strauss and Talk
Conversation with Dr. Ann Chahroudi
Overall conference experience
2.If you attended the Mentoring Session (scholars and mentors) at the end of Day 2, please answer the following questions:
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Grant Writing Tips
How to be a Good Mentor/Mentee
How to Build Relationships and Partner with the NIH
3.Were the Mentoring Session breakout rooms the adequate length of time?
4.Do you have any topics to recommend for the Mentoring Session at the 2021 meeting?
5.What did you like most about the CHRC meeting overall?
6.What did you like least about the CHRC meeting overall?
7.How do you think the annual CHRC meeting could have been improved?
8.Do you have any final comments or information to convey to the conference planning committee?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered