Goals of the Study and How Does the Survey Work

Goal of the Study
The goal of this study is to link silage production and management factors with silage quality, to develop best management practices (BMP) for perennial silage production based on geographical region and silage system. The project is an interprovincial effort to improve the sustainability of the Canadian dairy industry by providing farmers with evidence-based information on silage BMPs and therefore reducing production costs.

How Does the Survey Work?
This survey consist of questions related to general farm characteristics, silage management, and management of your silo system you used for your first cut perennial silage in the 2020 silage season.  When you start the survey you will be able to move back and forth between questions until you are ready to summit the survey.  Once you click the "Summit" button the survey closes and you will not be able to return to your questions.
Click the "Next" button to begin!