ACHIEVE Community Voice Survey Question Title * 1. Do you support ACHIEVE’s Mission to advocate for an enhanced quality of life through skill advancement, inclusion, integration, socialization, and keep independence of persons with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities through services provided in Broome, Chenango and Tioga Counties? Yes No Question Title * 2. Which of ACHIEVE’s services are most important to you as a supporter? (Please select all that apply) Residential Services Community Habilitation Children's Summer Program Vocational & Employment Services Family Empowerment Program Guardianship Day Habilitation Services Recreation Respite Party Night Other (please explain) Question Title * 3. Do you support ACHIEVE’s goal of providing individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities opportunities for independence and to participate as healthy, equal and complete members of the community? Yes No Question Title * 4. Which statement below best describes why you support ACHIEVE? I support ACHIEVE in honor or memory of someone close to me I feel that cultural stigma surrounding I/DD cannot be tolerated I believe it's vital to build a community where those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) can thrive I believe breaking down stigmas surrounding I/DD is a crucial part of community integration I believe it’s important to provide housing, healthcare, social services and other support to the I/DD community I believe we must advocate for the I/DD community and the issues we care about Question Title * 5. In what ways have you engaged with ACHIEVE’s work? (Select all that apply) Advocating for legislation that supports ACHIEVE's mission Attending fundraising events Providing a Corporate Sponsorship for an event Showing support through social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) Talking to friends and family about ACHIEVE's work Interacting with the agency website Introducing family and friends to the agency Volunteering Participating in or providing outside programming to individuals and staff Attending in-house job fairs Financial support Reading emails, updates and/or newsletters Accessing ACHIEVE's services for an individual with I/DD Purchasing ACHIEVE's merchandise Other (please explain) Question Title * 6. Is your support of ACHIEVE inspired by either your own life experience or by an influential person in your life? Yes No Question Title * 7. If yes, please describe your relationship with this person (select all that apply) Child(ren) Self Spouse, partner or significant other Friend Colleague ACHIEVE volunteer Parent or Grandparent ACHIEVE employee Sibling Board Member Other (please explain) Question Title * 8. How important is it to you for ACHIEVE to be able to build a better world for individuals with I/DD far into the future? Of the utmost importance Extremely important Somewhat important Not very important Not important at all Question Title * 9. Many people like to leave a gift to charity in their will, trust or by beneficiary designation. Have you considered making such a gift to ACHIEVE to benefit future generations? I have already left a gift for ACHIEVE in my will trust or by beneficiary designation I am interested in making this type of gift to ACHIEVE Not now, but in the future I would definitely be interested in making this type of gift Not now, but in the future I might possibly be interested in making this type of gift I am not interested in leaving a gift to ACHIEVE Question Title * 10. If you’ve left a gift, please tell us about it in a few sentences Question Title * 11. If you're interested in leaving a gift in the future, may someone from the Development Team reach out to you to learn more about your story and provide legacy gift materials? Yes No Not interested at this time Question Title * 12. Contact information (will not be shared with outside parties) Name Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 13. ACHIEVE's Mission states "As a chapter of the Arc of New York, it is the mission of ACHIEVE to advocate for an enhanced quality of life through skill advancement, inclusion, integration, socialization, and keep independence of persons with intellectual, developmental and other disabilities through services provided in Broome, Chenango and Tioga Counties." As a whole, how effective do you think ACHIEVE is at fulfilling its mission? Highly effective Somewhat effective Neither effective or ineffective Ineffective Not effective at all Question Title * 14. Why do you think ACHIEVE is effective or ineffective? Question Title * 15. Final comments or feedback Question Title * 16. How did you hear about this survey? Monthly E-Newsletter Social Media Postcard Email Other (please specify) Complete