
The 2019 MdAIR Spring Institute theme is:

Data Teamwork Makes the Data Dream Work

The conference will focus on professional development activities for institutional research and assessment professionals. We encourage submissions to highlight collaboration between IR and other fellow departments on campus, including learning outcomes assessment, mandated reporting, and strategic planning.

This year we will have several presentation formats to choose from; the typical speaker session and panel discussion, both lasting about 60 minutes, and two new options including the 15 minute Powertalk and the 2 hour hands-on workshop that were introduced at the Fall Conference.

Rooms will be equipped with standard audiovisual presentation technology. 

Any questions about the proposal process or technology may be submitted to: James Dick, MdAIR Webmaster (dickja@pgcc.edu) or Christi Ewing, MdAIR Membership Chair (CEwing@Howardcc.edu).