Camp Manito-wish YMCA Parent Evaluation

Your input provides us with important information about your campers experiences. Thank you for sharing your feedback to help us continually improve!

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* 1. Your name (optional):

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* 2. Your camper's name (optional):

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* 3. Which session did your camper attend?

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* 4. As parents, please rate your overall camper's Manito-wish experience.

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Poor
Your experience

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* 5. Did the CMY experience meet your expectations?

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* 6. Based on your impressions and what you have heard from your camper, please let us know if we met expectations about "cabin life"...this includes how your camper feels about the counselors, fellow cabin mates, the condition of the cabin, etc.

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* 7. Based on your impressions and what you have heard from your camper, did we meet your expectations in regards to your camper's time in the in-camp program areas?

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* 8. Based on your impressions and what you have heard from your camper, did we meet your expectations in regards to your camper's trail (wilderness trip) experience?

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* 9. Please share any comments about your child's counselor and/or other staff  members including how successful you felt our staff were in leading your child.

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* 10. Did our facilities meet your expectations?

  Yes No
Building & Grounds (Clean and well maintained)
Nash Lodge
Program Equipment
Trail Equipment

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* 11. Did the quality of Manito-wish food meet your expectations?

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* 12. Have you seen behavior that reflects growth in any of the attributes that we refer to as HEAR the ROAR - Humility, Empathy , Awareness, Resourcefulness, Resilience, Optimism, Adaptability, Responsibility?

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* 13. On a scale of 0-10 how likely are you to recommend Camp Manito-wish to other families?

0 (not likely) 5 10 (very likely)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 14. Did the communication you received meet your needs?

  Yes No
Pre Camp
During Camp
Post Camp

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* 15. As parents of a new camper, did you receive the New Camper Guide?

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* 16. Did the New Camper Guide prepare you for Camp?

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* 17. We are seeking families who would host a Manito-wish Information Gathering. We know that the greatest success in getting new families to sign up for a future Manito-wish program is getting someone they know and trust (YOU) to invite them to hear more details about what the Manito-wish program has to offer! If you would be interested in helping (or just learning more about the opportunity), please enter your name and phone number and/or your email address below.

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* 18. Please share any additional comments and/or areas with room for improvement.