This short 11-question exam is designed to make you think carefully about what you learned in class. Do not rush through it.

On completion, you will receive an overall score, and each answer will be identified as correct or incorrect. If your score is less than 80%, please note the incorrect answers, review your notes and course materials and then retake the exam.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Zero Waste is changing the face of solid waste management. Instead of managing wastes, we will manage resources and strive to eliminate waste.

Which of these are relevant to the path to Zero Waste?

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* 3. In nature, there is no waste. Processes are cyclical and discards from one process become nutrients for another. Zero Waste, the application of this fact, ensures that products are made to be reused, repaired, composted or recycled into the marketplace or nature. Some people object to the term because reaching zero discards is impossible. Proponents suggest comparing it to initiatives like Zero Accidents or Zero Emissions – objectives worth striving for even if absolute zero is impossible.

Which one of these is not like the others?

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* 4. How many North American communities have adopted high diversion (>50%) or Zero Waste goals?

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* 5. Which country has the largest number of municipalities with a Zero Waste goal?

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* 6. The finished products we hold in our hands are only the “tip of the wasteberg.” The wastes from the extraction, refining and manufacturing of resources is the rest of the wasteberg that we do not see.

For every 10 pounds of goods produced, how many pounds of industrial waste is created?:

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* 7. Waste reduction, recycling and high diversion play big roles on the way to Zero Waste. Later they will be usurped by redesign, reuse and repair. Recycling will become the path of last resort.

Which of these initiatives go beyond traditional recycling programs?

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* 8. Preventing waste and expanding reuse, recycling and composting programs - that is, aiming for Zero Waste - is one of the fastest, cheapest and most effective strategies for combating climate change. The largest piece of the climate change emissions "pie" - when considering a systems approach, is the production, transportation and disposal of goods and food.

What percentage would you guess that to be?

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* 9. Any Zero Waste target or plan must be accompanied by a shift in funding from supporting waste disposal to supporting zero waste jobs, infrastructure, and local strategies.

Which one of these is inaccurate?

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* 10. There are many ways to start the Zero Waste discussion. Which of these might work in your community?

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* 11. Contracting for recycling collection and processing and garbage collection and disposal can be among the largest financial decisions made by local elected officials - often on par with police and fire services. Contracts between municipalities and services providers can be developed to encourage high diversion and Zero Waste.

Which of the following are Best Practices for Zero Waste contracting?