**UNOLS is seeking applications from early career scientists at U.S universities who are interested in participating in an oceanographic cruise with an emphasis on Biological and Chemical Oceanography research. This cruise will take advantage of shipboard and PI supplied equipment to address scientific questions related to the role of biology in regulating vertical exchanges of bioelements between the upper ocean and the ocean's interior waters. The cruise will take place aboard the R/V Kilo Moana from June 15-24, 2019, departing and arriving from Honolulu, HI. The goal of this program is to help early-career marine scientists plan and write effective cruise proposals, develop collaborative sampling strategies and plans to address key scientific questions, become familiar with shipboard equipment and sampling at sea, and communicate major findings through writing of manuscripts and cruise reports. Graduate students, post-docs and new faculty are welcome to apply. Pre-cruise meetings and workshops will be used to identify participant-specific research questions and objectives.
To apply for this opportunity, please complete the information below. The deadline to apply is March 18, 2019.
This application will request basic contact and demographic information, as well as research background and interests in order to aid participant selection.
Note: Travel costs and research supplies will be provided. Space is limited.**

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Title/Position:

Question Title

* 3. Institution:

Question Title

* 4. Email Address: 

Question Title

* 5. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate your current position:

Question Title

* 7. Please explain why you are interested in this program. Will you be leading research cruises in the future?*

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate what aspects of cruise planning and execution you would most like to learn about (select all that apply):*

Question Title

* 9. Please indicate your primary disciplinary focus:

Question Title

* 10. Please indicate previous experience on research vessels, and in particular, any previous experiences requesting and/or using UNOLS vessels. *

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* 11. Please indicate your plans for future ship use (especially any that this training opportunity can help prepare you for). *

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* 12. Please indicate specific objectives of your research and types of data you are interested in acquiring during this 10-day cruise focused on the role of biology in regulating vertical exchanges of bioelements in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean. *

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* 13. Please indicate any specific types of samples you would require for your work. *

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* 14. Please indicate if you have existing funding to cover sample analyses, shipping of equipment to and from the research vessel. *

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* 15. Please provide a 2 page NSF-style CV. In addition, please provide the names, phone numbers and emails of two people who would be able to recommend you for this program, and be able to speak to your leadership potential, the importance of your research goals, how your research would benefit from ship time, and the feasibility of conducting your project during this 10-day cruise.

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