Tell Us About Yourself

We’ve all heard it – digital transformation is coming for us. From how our customers and partners engage to how our business operations evolve, digital transformation is the ultimate goal for successful companies in 2019. 

That’s what we’ve heard. But how far along are we when it comes to digital transformation? The team at Earley Information Science aims to find out.  

Help us by taking a short, anonymous survey that shares the state of your digital transformation initiatives. From data readiness, to planned projects, future goals, and more, this survey intends to provide a benchmark of digital business readiness along industries and company sizes.  

Thank you for participating in our State of Digital Business survey.  It should only take about 10 minutes.  Once we have collected the data we'll prepare a comprehensive report that you can elect to receive for free.

Let's get started! 

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following best describes your job function?