Thank you so much for your continued support and interest in SNEB's public policy work. Every two years, ACPP uses this online survey, among other strategic planning activities, to shape our advocacy agenda.

These are the current policy areas of focus for our advocacy work:
  1. 2018 Farm Bill Implementation
  2. FY2019 Appropriations (including lingering shutdown implications) and FY2020 Appropriation Process
  3. Trump Administration Proposed ERS reorganization and NIFA and ERS relocation
  4. Trump Administration USDA FNS Proposed Rules on SNAP Stricter Work Requirements and likely on Categorical Eligibility
  5. Trump Administration Department of Homeland Security Proposed Public Charge Rule (implications for SNAP)
  6. 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
  7. Child Nutrition Reauthorization
  8. Older Americans' Act
  9. 2020 Presidential Election
  10. USDA's Bio-engineering (GMO) Disclosure Rule
  11. FDA Nutrition Activities including Menu Labeling and Nutrition Facts Panel
  12. Other Federal Policies, Programs, or Resource Allocations with Impacts on Our Nation's Social Safety Net (e.g. Medicaid Expansion)
  13. Other Federal Policies, Programs, or Resource Allocations with Impacts on Food Waste
  14. Other Federal Policies, Programs, or Resource Allocations with Impacts on Sustainability
On the following pages, you will be prompted to rank the importance and feasibility of each of these areas.
5% of survey complete.