Employee engagement is far more than just an HR buzzword. An engaged workforce is the foundation of corporate success — get it right, and you've got a recipe for higher productivity, morale and profits. Studies have shown firms with higher engagement scores outperform those with low scores, by a significant margin.

If you want to attach any supporting documentation, please send it as an attachment (preferably as a PDF or Word document) via email to Todd Humber, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Canadian HR Reporter, at todd.humber@thomsonreuters.com

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* 1. How do you define employee engagement?

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* 2. How do you measure employee engagement?

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* 3. Describe the program(s) currently in place within the organization that create/maintain/improve employee engagement:

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* 4. Describe the benefits derived by the company from the successful deployment of these programs:

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* 5. Describe the primary benefits enjoyed by employees from the successful deployment of these programs:

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* 6. Which person in your company has primary responsibility for employee engagement?

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* 7. Do your leaders have some portion of their compensation or performance appraisal that depends directly or indirectly on the level of employee engagement? Discuss:

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* 8. Describe what activities are undertaken within the company to ensure maximum employee engagement, such as communication or other initiatives:

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* 9. Describe how the culture of engagement is woven into the fabric of your company (such as mission statements, vision, employee communications, employee performance plans, reporting and tracking, targets, et cetera):

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* 10. Describe/quantify how improved employee engagement improves your overall business performance, including how this is measured within the organization:

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* 11. How often are employee surveys conducted?

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* 12. How is employee engagement linked to financial performance, sales and/or productivity?

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* 13. What do you think contributes to an engaged workforce in your organization?

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* 14. Please describe any other aspects of your program not covered in the questions above:


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* 15. Organization profile: Please tell us briefly about your organization and the scope of its operations

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* 16. How many employees do you have?

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* 17. Please enter the name and contact information for the person submitting this information:

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* 18. Check the box below to indicate that the above statements are a true representation of what is occurring at your organization, and that you are authorized to act as an agent for your organization in submitting this information to Canadian HR Reporter for judging purposes for the 2019 National HR Awards competition.

Note: Information submitted in this form will not be shared publicly. It will only be viewed by Canadian HR Reporter/Thomson Reuters staff and the judges for this category. If you are selected as the winner in this category, Canadian HR Reporter will approach you for a story we're working on for the December 2019 issue. We will also send a video crew to your workplace to produce a short film on your award-winning program. Winners will be invited to an exclusive gala reception on Nov. 19 at the Arcadian Court in downtown Toronto. See www.nationalhrawards.com for more information. 

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