Official Summit Interest Survey

The Woodlawn Community Summit planning committee wants to hear from you!  Please share your honest opinion in our brief survey.

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* 1. In your opinion, what are the 3 greatest strengths of the Woodlawn community? (Rank #1 as the best strength of the community. Rank up to 10 strengths that are important to you.)

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* 2. Rank your biggest concerns about the Woodlawn community? (Rank #1 as highest concern. Rank up to 10 issues that are important to you.)

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* 3. In a few words, what do you want the South Side to achieve in the next few years.

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* 4. What ideas or questions do you have about the future of Woodlawn?

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* 5. What's your 5-digit home zip code?

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* 6. Which statement best describes you?  Choose all that apply.

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* 7. What age group best identifies you?

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* 8. How familiar are you with the South East Chicago Commission? (0 - not familiar to 10 - very familiar)

0 (not at all) 5 (somewhat) 10 (very familiar)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.
Thank you!  Please be sure to click the button below to submit your response.

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* 9. Contact Info (if you would like to join the committee or volunteer)