Some questions may have more than one correct answer. Some questions require a short answer.

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* 1. What is your first and last name?

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* 2. What week(s) of camp are you attending?

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* 3. What is the most important reason for cabin closing?

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* 4. What are four things campers DO NOT need to do before cabin closing begins?

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* 5. List two cabin closing ideas.

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* 6. What’s in the cabin bin?

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* 7. Why is a full water bottle with your campers at all times?

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* 8. What is at least one way (from the videos) that you can motivate campers to drink water more?

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* 9. Which of the following times do you and your campers need to drink water?

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* 10. When you make a name tag the first day of camp, why does a camper's registered name need to be on it?

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* 11. The purpose of the candle ceremony is ____

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* 12. Why do you establish a code of living with your campers the FIRST day of camp?

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* 13. Who attends the staff meetings from your cabin?

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* 14. If you are off duty for rest hour you may _____

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* 15. If you are ON duty for rest hour, you may _____

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* 16. Who is ON duty for rest hour every day?

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* 17. What does “lights out” at bedtime look and sound like?

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* 18. What do you bring to waterfront?

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* 19. When do I get a break? (ie to exercise, visit with staff, check email, call home)

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* 20. What are the roles of the Summer Directors, Brooke and Laura?

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* 21. What is NOT a role of K staff at Camp Knutson?

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* 22. What is a 'one liner' you can say to neutralize arguing about bedtime, water bottles, "why" questions, etc?

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* 23. Write three expectations you would include as you direct campers to write the Cabin Code of Living.

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* 24. List two ways (from the videos) that you can ensure campers have a great time at camp.

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* 25. What is something you learned from the videos that you didn't know?