Thank you for your interest in volunteering with NALP. The President-Elect works closely with NALP leadership to identify and appoint leaders to our sections, advisory groups, committees, task forces and work groups. There are more than 300 NALP members engaged in volunteer work in any given year. When making assignments, the President-Elect considers many factors, and in particular, is interested in assembling a volunteer network that represents the diversity of NALP's membership.

We are interested in learning about you, your interests, and talents. Please take a few moments to consider your interests and complete the Volunteer Information questions below. Please complete and submit this form as soon as possible and no later than Friday, February 2.

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* 1. Please provide the information requested below:

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* 2. Please describe any previous volunteer service to NALP. Please remember to include participation on task forces, sections and work groups, speaking at conferences, and writing for the NALP Bulletin.

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* 3. I'd be interested in being involved as a:

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* 4. Please indicate your interest in being involved as a leader (Chair, Vice-Chair/Work Group Leader) with a Section, Advisory Group, Committee, Task Force or Work Group.   The current list of Sections and groups is reflected below (subject to changes in the coming year:

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* 5. If you listed more than one group of interest in the previous question, please rank your top three choices.

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* 6. Please share with us any additional professional and volunteer experiences that may be relevant - for example, your membership in other professional associations, committee work at your organization, or other nonprofit experience may be extremely beneficial to NALP.

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* 7. Please check any particular skills/strengths/affinities that you would bring to your volunteer work:

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* 8. Any other comments you'd like to share about your interests in volunteering with NALP?