The 2018 A Home for Everyone (AHFE) Renewal Project Survey is to be completed by Continuum of Care (CoC) renewal projects as part of the CoC rating and ranking process. You may want to complete the survey in a word document and then paste narrative responses into SurveyMonkey to avoid losing work. The 2018 survey is very similar to the 2017 survey. You are strongly encouraged to refer to your project’s 2017 responses in answering the 2018 questions, and provide updates and clarifications where needed. Please note that we have imposed character limits for narrative responses this year, so you may need to shorten some responses from last year.

Five of the questions ask you to complete a checklist of strategies the project uses in a specific area, rate the project’s work in that area according to a rubric, and explain why you rated the project that way. The checklists are not intended to be prescriptive (with the exception of the Housing First checklist, which is provided by HUD). They are included to better understand the strategies used, and provide a sense of the kind of information the RAC is looking for.

Your responses should focus on your implementation of the project. If you implement the project solely through your own organization, your responses should reflect your organization’s experience, performance and capacity. If you implement the project with additional partners that receive funds as subgrantees to the project or otherwise directly partner in service delivery, please reflect the collective experience, performance and capacity of all project partners (including your organization) when answering questions that apply to the project.

Organizations that manage multiple CoC renewal projects should complete a survey for each project unless all answers are the same across projects. If the answer to some (but not all) questions are the same across projects, feel free to submit the same responses to those questions across multiple surveys. 

All surveys are due by Monday, June 4, at 12:00 PM (noon). 

With questions, please contact Erin Pidot at or 503-988-2524.