2018 VARC Sailor Survey

Feedback Survey for all sailors including skippers and crew who have participated in any VARC event in the last 2018 Season

Question Title

* 1. Which VARC Sailing Events did you participate in 2018?  CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

Question Title

* 2. Which VARC Division do you normally sail in?    CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

Question Title

* 3. Did you participate in VARC Sailing Event as Skipper or Crew?

Question Title

* 4. Where do you usually get information about the VARC Schedule or Upcoming Regattas?  CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

Question Title

* 5. Is there anything that keeps you from racing in more VARC Sailing Events?  CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

Question Title

* 6. What would you like to see more of at VARC Sailing Events?  CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

Question Title

* 7. If you participated in WVYC's Southern Straits Race, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 8. If you participated in RVYC Day Race (formerly Opener), can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 9. If you participated in WVYC Popham Island/Halibut Bank Race, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 10. If you participated in BIYC Round Bowen Race, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 11. If you participated in RVYC Waves Keelboat Regatta, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 12. If you participated in VRC Summer Regatta, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 13. If you participated in SYC SOAR Regatta, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 14. If you participated in TCYC English Bay Scramble, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 15. If you participated in TCYC Vancouver-Shenzhen Challenge, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 16. If you participated in DCYC Deep Cove Regatta, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 17. If you participated in WVYC Howe Sound Regatta, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.  IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 18. If you participated in RVYC Fraser River Lightship Race, can you please rate the event for the following on a 5 point scale where 1 is Poor and 5 is Excellent.   IF NOT SELECT N/A

  1 Poor 2 3 4 5 Excellent N/A
Race Committee
Food & Beverage
Regatta Costs
Time/Distance to get to Regatta
Guest Moorage
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 19. Please tell us what Event Type you would most prefer for the VARC Year-end awards ceremony? CHOOSE ONE

Question Title

* 20. Please tell us which Event Format you would most prefer for the VARC Year-end awards ceremony?  CHOOSE ONE

Question Title

* 21. Please tell us which Event Venue you would most prefer for the VARC Year-end awards ceremony?

Question Title

* 22. Would you like to see other VARC social events (i.e. non-race events such as a Pub Night) in addition to the scheduled regattas and races? CHOOSE ONE

Question Title

* 23. Are you interested in helping as a volunteer for VARC?

Question Title

* 24. If you are interested in volunteering, please leave your name and email in the box below.  NOTE: Your previous answers will not be connected to your email address.  Otherwise please contact one of the VARC Committee via the website.

Question Title

* 25. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 26. How long have you been sailing? CHOOSE ONE

Question Title

* 27. How long have you been competing in VARC Sailing Events? CHOOSE ONE

Question Title

* 28. If you are a Skipper, what is your Yacht Club?  If you are a Crew, which Yacht Club does the boat you normally sail on hail from? CHOOSE ONE

Question Title

* 29. Please feel free to provide additional comments or suggestions.

Question Title

* 30. IF SKIPPER IN Q3: How do you feel about entry fees for VARC Regattas?

Question Title

* 31. IF SKIPPER IN Q3: Are you likely to enter an event in order to improve your standings for the VARC BOTY Championship?

Question Title

* 32. IF SKIPPER IN Q3: Last year VARC changed the scoring criteria for the Overall Boat of the Year Championship (BOTY).  Previously, BOTY was scored on a boat's best 3 Regatta results plus their best 3 Distance Race results with 3 of each to qualify.  This year, BOTY was scored on a boat's best 10 out of 17 "Regatta Day" scores in which each day was scored separately and there were no minimums to qualify.  Southern Straits result counted with a 2X multiplier due to it effectively being a 2 day race?  What are your thoughts on these new scoring criteria.

Question Title

* 33. IF SKIPPER IN Q3: If RVYC hosts the VARC Waves Keelboat Regatta again on June 22-23, how likely are you to enter this event?

Question Title

* 34. IF SKIPPER IN Q3: If RVYC brings back the VARC Closer / Championship Regatta on October 26-27, how likely are you to enter this event?

Question Title

* 35. IF SKIPPER IN Q3: If VARC included the Nanaimo YC SIN Regatta on June 29-30 in the Overall scoring, how likely are you to enter this event?

Question Title

* 36. IF SKIPPER IN Q3: If VARC included the Sunshine Coast YC Sea Cavalcade Regatta in Gibsons on July 25-26 in the Overall scoring, how likely are you to enter this event?

Question Title

* 37. IF SKIPPER IN Q3: As a Skipper, do you have any additional comments on scoring, number of events, entry fees, etc.