How’s the health of Polk County? We’d like to know.

A group of local medical centers and public health agencies, along with UW-Extension and United Way St. Croix Valley, are conducting a survey to determine the most important health needs in Polk County. The information provided will be used to help us understand and improve the health of Polk County residents. Your participation is voluntary and will not affect your health care in any way. All responses are completely confidential.

To show our appreciation for your time, upon completion of this survey, you can enter a drawing for one of three prizes: a $100 fitness tracker, a $25 gas card or a $10 Subway Card. Your name will not be linked to your survey data. (Drawing information is at the end of the survey.) If you have further questions, please call Brian Kaczmarski, Health Director/Officer, Polk County Health Department at 715-485-8500.

Thank you so much for the taking time to complete this survey!