Question Title

* 1. Graduate Programs Office and Career Resource Center would like to help you brand yourself through optimizing your LinkedIn profile.  During MBA Advantage, professional photographer Tom Wolf will take your professional headshot. All graduate students in School of Management are listed on our website with your photo, name and your LinkedIn profile link.  It is important that you complete the information below to finalize the website.

This is how I would like my name to appear on my name tag:

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* 2. Which MBA Program do you belong to?

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* 3. Photo/Video Release:
I understand that my professional picture will be posted on the SOM website. Moreover, photos taken during the MBA program may be used throughout the SOM website, print media or social media.

I do hereby give the University at Buffalo (UB), its assigns, licensees, and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use my picture, portrait, photograph or video, created during MBA program. I give this release for use in all forms and media and in all manners for any lawful purpose, and I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy, that may be created in connection therewith.

I hereby release and hold harmless UB from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality associated with the images specified above. I further acknowledge that my participation is voluntary and that I will not receive financial compensation of any type associated with the taking or publication of these photographs or their use in media, marketing materials or other publications or websites. I acknowledge and agree that publication of said photos confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever.

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* 4. I understand that my LinkedIn profile can be used as my personal branding tool during the MBA program. I authorize UB School of Management to associate my profile in SOM Current Student Directory to my LinkedIn profile.

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* 5. Customized link to my LinkedIn profile is:
 Click here to learn how to do it within 60 seconds.
Once you create a customized link click on “View your public profile” which is located next to “Customize your public profile URL” and copy/paste *full* link into this survey box below.

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* 6. I have reviewed the 2018-2019 version of MBA/MS Degree Handbook on UB SOM website and I understand that this is where the policies and procedures for the School of Management Graduate programs are located.

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* 7. My UB person number (8 digit number without any special character):

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* 8. Your local mailing address for the Wall Street Journal

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* 9. There will be a panel of second year MBA students on Friday, August 24.  Please insert one question to be asked during the panel session.