MSBA would like to know your insights and data on key legislative issues. 

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* 1. Please enter the district you represent.

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* 2. What is your special education cross-subsidy for FY16 for the state and federal government?

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* 3. How many students are in your district?

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* 4. Do you have a shortage of licensed staff in your distsrict?

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* 5. In the last two years, have you been unable to fill specific teacher licensure areas?

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* 6. Does your education revenue cross-subsidize your school lunch program?

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* 7. How do you seek repayment of unpaid meal debt?

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* 8. How many times have your computer systems experienced a breach or unauthorized access?

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* 9. Is your school district facing budget cuts for FY18?

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* 10. What is your current special education cross-subsidy for FY17 for the state and federal government?

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* 11. If additional funds were made available for school safety, how would you use the money?