Dear Members,

It is with great pleasure that the Nominating Committee introduces the nominees for the open positions on 2017-2018 Georgia Chapter of the ASID Board of Directors.

Please review the information below and cast your ballots for the following candidates.

We are very excited about these Members who will lead our chapter into the future.

Voting closes on Friday, May 26.

Thank you again for taking the time to complete this important ballot.


Janie Hirsch, Chairperson, Nominating Committee
Immediate Past President Georgia Chapter ASID

Question Title

Kristin Kong, ASID

Kristin Kong is the owner of K Kong Designs. She is a graduate of the Art Institute of Atlanta, BFA in Interior Design and Vanderbilt University, BFA in Art History and Studio Art. She has worked for Cooper Cary and served as Student Advisory Chair, and most recently, Finance Director, for the Georgia ASID Chapter.

"One of the most important goals for me is our continued efforts with our government initiative. I want to educate and attract members, so they understand the importance of what ASID is fighting for with our One Voice campaign- our rights as interior designers to practice. To achieve this, I believe it is important to partner with the other interior design organizations and also to reach out and engage the students who are studying to become practitioners."

Kristin Kong, ASID<br><br>Kristin Kong is the owner of K Kong Designs. She is a graduate of the Art Institute of Atlanta, BFA in Interior Design and Vanderbilt University, BFA in Art History and Studio Art. She has worked for Cooper Cary and served as Student Advisory Chair, and most recently, Finance Director, for the Georgia ASID Chapter.<br><br>"One of the most important goals for me is our continued efforts with our government initiative. I want to educate and attract members, so they understand the importance of what ASID is fighting for with our One Voice campaign- our rights as interior designers to practice. To achieve this, I believe it is important to partner with the other interior design organizations and also to reach out and engage the students who are studying to become practitioners."

Question Title

* 1. Please vote on the nomination of Kristin Kong as President of the ASID Georgia Chapter.

Question Title

Joyce Fownes, Allied ASID

Joyce holds a BFA from the University of Georgia, and currently works for Perkins+Will Atlanta. She recently served as Student Advisory Chair for the Georgia Chapter of ASID.

"As primary role for Fundraising, to raise the goal by 10% allowing greater opportunity for community outreach and grants/scholarships Increase Chapter reach by 10-15% Help develop and support the growth of the Chapter through business and community outreach with significant roles for speaking to increase the awareness of ASID in the business community."

Joyce Fownes, Allied ASID<br><br>Joyce holds a BFA from the University of Georgia, and currently works for Perkins+Will Atlanta. She recently served as Student Advisory Chair for the Georgia Chapter of ASID.<br><br>"As primary role for Fundraising, to raise the goal by 10% allowing greater opportunity for community outreach and grants/scholarships Increase Chapter reach by 10-15% Help develop and support the growth of the Chapter through business and community outreach with significant roles for speaking to increase the awareness of ASID in the business community."

Question Title

* 2. Please vote on the nomination of Joyce Fownes as Finance Director to the ASID Georgia Chapter Board.

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Tony Purvis, Allied ASID

Tony Purvis graduated with an MFA in Interior Design from the Department of Interior Architecture & Design at Florida State University in 2012.  He was the recipient of the 2013 ASID Foundation Joel Polsky Academic Achievement Award for his original research in Conflict Resolution and the Interior Built Environment.  Formerly an interior design studio and technology professor at Florida State, he now practices at Carson Guest Interior Design in Atlanta, GA. 

"ASID-GA Communications’ key goal is to support the strategic plans of both the National Society and the Georgia chapter, including increased coordination and cooperation with the greater Georgia design community, supporting ASID One Voice, and providing continuing benefit to members by promoting opportunities to further professional success. This requires leveraging connections across the design community and keeping our social media strategy fine-tuned through frequent and open lines of communication with our team, Board, and membership."

Tony Purvis, Allied ASID<br><br>Tony Purvis graduated with an MFA in Interior Design from the Department of Interior Architecture &amp; Design at Florida State University in 2012.&nbsp; He was the recipient of the 2013 ASID Foundation Joel Polsky Academic Achievement Award for his original research in Conflict Resolution and the Interior Built Environment.&nbsp; Formerly an interior design studio and technology professor at Florida State, he now practices at Carson Guest Interior Design in Atlanta, GA.&nbsp; <br><br>"ASID-GA Communications&rsquo; key goal is to support the strategic plans of both the National Society and the Georgia chapter, including increased coordination and cooperation with the greater Georgia design community, supporting ASID One Voice, and providing continuing benefit to members by promoting opportunities to further professional success. This requires leveraging connections across the design community and keeping our social media strategy fine-tuned through frequent and open lines of communication with our team, Board, and membership."

Question Title

* 3. Please vote on the nomination of Tony Purvis as Communications Director of the ASID Georgia Chapter.

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Cathy Cheek, ASID

A native of South Carolina, Cathy attended Anderson University where she received a B.A. in Art, with a concentration in Interior Design. After graduation, she practiced Interior Design with multiple Firms in Greenville SC where she honed her skills and talents for designing beautiful spaces. In 2012 Cathy and her husband relocated to Atlanta and she began working in the Stone Fabrication Industry. 

"If selected as Professional Development Director I will set many goals for myself to achieve. I will work with our IP Members to host CEU’s and Round Tables for our Designers. As a Designer, I understand the importance of CEU’s and how they help us stay abreast of the latest products and policies. I have a large book of contacts who will be happy to hold these events for the Chapter. I will also work with our Student Chair to coordinate the Student Day we have in Atlanta. This event is a day of mentoring to help with their resumes and portfolios so they are prepared to enter the work force."

Cathy Cheek, ASID<br><br>A native of South Carolina, Cathy attended Anderson University where she received a B.A. in Art, with a concentration in Interior Design. After graduation, she practiced Interior Design with multiple Firms in Greenville SC where she honed her skills and talents for designing beautiful spaces. In 2012 Cathy and her husband relocated to Atlanta and she began working in the Stone Fabrication Industry.&nbsp;<br><br>"If selected as Professional Development Director I will set many goals for myself to achieve. I will work with our IP Members to host CEU&rsquo;s and Round Tables for our Designers. As a Designer, I understand the importance of CEU&rsquo;s and how they help us stay abreast of the latest products and policies. I have a large book of contacts who will be happy to hold these events for the Chapter. I will also work with our Student Chair to coordinate the Student Day we have in Atlanta. This event is a day of mentoring to help with their resumes and portfolios so they are prepared to enter the work force."

Question Title

* 4. Please vote on the nomination of Cathy Cheek as Professional Development Director  of the ASID Georgia Chapter.

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Nujhat Alam, ASID

Nujhat graduated from the University of Georgia with a BFA in Interior Design. She currently works for IDEA|SPAN. She also served on the Georgia Chapter Board of Directors as Chair and Co-Chair for Emerging Professionals.

"As Membership Director, my primary goal would be to reach designers from all and different practices of the design industry. This will be done by advertising the ASID brand to experienced and new designers entering the industry with quarterly mixers. I would like to diversify our members and bring together a mix of residential, commercial, hospitality and healthcare designers. I care deeply about emerging designers and would like to work closely with Student Reps and Emerging Professional Chair to ensure we keep and grow membership of the next generation of designers."

Nujhat Alam, ASID<br><br>Nujhat graduated from the University of Georgia with a BFA in Interior Design. She currently works for IDEA|SPAN.&nbsp;She also served on the Georgia Chapter Board of Directors as Chair and Co-Chair for Emerging Professionals.<br><br>"As Membership Director, my primary goal would be to reach designers from all and different practices of the design industry. This will be done by advertising the ASID brand to experienced and new designers entering the industry with quarterly mixers. I would like to diversify our members and bring together a mix of residential, commercial, hospitality and healthcare designers. I care deeply about emerging designers and would like to work closely with Student Reps and Emerging Professional Chair to ensure we keep and grow membership of the next generation of designers."

Question Title

* 5. Please vote on the nomination of Nujhat Alam as Membership Director to the ASID Georgia Chapter Board.