Welcome to Elkhart County's 2017 Survey of Wages and Benefits.  Your participation enables us to publish and distribute this valuable resource each year.
The collection of information from area businesses serves an important purpose.  Local employers are provided with benchmark data on average wages and benefits for over 100 different occupations, resulting in a report that is one of their key resources when setting or negotiating wages and benefits.  As with any survey, the quality of the report depends on the quality of the data submitted.  Please help by answering all of the questions completely and accurately.  
Each organization's responses to the questionnaire are strictly confidential.  This year we are again partnering with the Michiana Partnership to include all information from our county into a regional report.  You only need to complete this survey and will still receive the regional information as well as the county information.  Once again this year the survey will be analyzed by a team from Kruggel, Lawton and Company, LLC.  Only the responses will be supplied to Kruggel, Lawton and Company, LLC.  Your input is very important to us.
As a participant in this survey, you will receive a complimentary copy of the full report, a $99 value.
Participant companies in this survey are identified as manufacturing, small, medium or large and non-manufacturing, small or large and non-manufacturing for-profit or not-for-profit. 
This year the survey opens on May 1, 2017 and will remain open until June 2, 2017.  We look forward to receiving your completed surveys as soon as possible in order to compile the survey report for distribution by September if not sooner.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the survey coordinator via email at denise@elkhartcountybiz.com.
Thank you for your time and effort in completing the survey.  Your continued support is sincerely appreciated.