Dear Colleague,

Commercial Property Executive and Multi-Housing News are pleased to welcome you to our 2017 survey of the Leading Real Estate Law Firms. The information you provide will be used to rank the firms with the strongest real estate practice areas. The results will be published in our September 2017 issues.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to contribute to this widely read survey. It's an important way for industry professionals to learn about the most capable and experienced real estate law practices. Please answer all questions as completely as possible. If any provided information can not be published, please indicate in your response.

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, June 14, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact Samantha Goldberg at 212.977.0041 x3412 or

Thank you for your time and participation.


The CPE and MHN Team

Please Note: You can now edit your survey up until the deadline. If you can't complete the survey all at once, you must submit it to save your responses, but you'll be able to access the survey to complete it later. Simply exiting the survey will not save your responses.

---Commercial Property Executive is a leading integrated resource for executives and companies that own, invest in, develop, lease and/or manage commercial real estate. Formerly Commercial Property News, it has provided trend and news analysis for 30 years.

---Multi-Housing News has provided in-depth news and analysis of the events and players shaping the multi-housing industry for more than 50 years.

Question Title

* 1. Name of Law Firm:

Question Title

* 2. Survey Contact Person:
(For contact purposes only, will not be printed.)

Question Title

* 3. In what year was the firm founded?

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* 4. Where is the headquarters located?

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* 5. How many firm offices did you have at the close of the following years?

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* 6. What was the firm’s revenue in the following fiscal years? (This will remain confidential; used to determine growth of firm.)

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* 7. How many attorneys (partners, associates, of counsel, etc.) currently work for the firm?

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* 8. In what year was the real estate practice area first formed?

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* 9. Types of real estate law services offered (i.e. acquisitions and dispositions, leasing, financing, etc.):

Question Title

* 10. How many attorneys (Partners, Of Counsel, Senior Counsel and Associates, combined) were in the real estate practice at the close of the following years?

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* 11. Please specify the composition of your real estate practice at the close of fiscal year 2016, as follows:

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* 12. What is the average number of years experience for each of the following in your real estate practice?

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* 13. Highest valued transaction closed in fiscal year 2016 (client and value). If you cannot disclose client name, please describe the type of client, i.e., "...for a private equity firm."

Question Title

* 14. Please provide a list highlighting major transactions that were closed in fiscal year 2016 (client and value). If you cannot disclose a client name, please describe the type of client, i.e., "...for a private equity firm."