The Builders Association has successfully coordinated many Safety Stand Downs in previous years.  We encourage our members to participate in this year's Stand Down during the week of May 8-12.  It is entirely up to you to determine which day of Stand Down Week works best for a particular jobsite. Please note the Builders Association Spring Summit (at which Safety Awards are conferred) is Thursday, May 11th. 

Our Stand Downs provide a leadership opportunity for your firm to demonstrate its commitment to safety and the well-being of your workforce.  Briefly put, Builders Association Safety Stand Downs enable companies that know the value of safety training and comprehensive jobsite inspection to voluntarily cease work for approximately thirty minutes to provide focused training on a particular topic. This meeting provides effective communication of safety policies, goals and expectations through all levels of your team, and improves employee morale.

Easy-to-implement curriculum handouts covering this year's topic, struck-bys and caught-in hazards, will be made available to Stand Down companies along with hard hat stickers for all participants.

Please indicate the appropriate contact person for your company in the fields below so that we may best coordinate all aspects of this worthwhile program. 

Thank you for your pledge to Stand Down in 2016 to increase safety awareness in our industry and to the public.

Question Title

* 1. Safety Stand Down Contact Info for Your Company:

Question Title

* 2. Estimated # of Participating Jobsites:

Question Title

* 3. Estimated # of Participating Tradesworkers:

Question Title

* 4. Preferred Mailing Address for Hard Hat Stickers:

Thank you!