Please indicate your interest in partnering with Nebraska Wesleyan University for Lend-A-Hand to Lincoln in 2017 by completing this survey.  Organizations will need to provide the equipment and supplies required to complete the project, as well as, enough work for a 2 hour period for 10-20 students, faculty and/or staff. There must be a representative from your organization present to supervise during the service. Organizations are asked to have a back-up project in case of rain if their project is outdoors.  For questions please contact Shari Sorenson, Service Learning and Community Outreach Coordinator, or 402.465.2439.  Thank you for your willingness to partner with Nebraska Wesleyan University!

Question Title

* 1. Contact Person:

Question Title

* 2. Please give a brief description of your agency and the population you serve:

Question Title

* 3. Please give your agency's website address:

Question Title

* 4. Type of service and description of specific tasks to be performed by the group on Saturday, August 19, 2017.

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* 5. Work teams of 10-24 (students with leaders, staff and/or faculty) will be going out in the morning and the afternoon. Would you prefer a morning or afternoon shift?  (We will limit outdoor work to the morning shift only in anticipation of August heat.)

Question Title

* 6. Select the size preference of your group:  (Note: Lend-A-Hand volunteer groups are determined by their initial Archway Seminar course and class size will vary.  We will make every attempt to select a group which matches your work site needs; however, this is a highly encouraged but volunteer activity which means we can only estimate numbers.)

Question Title

* 7. Comments or questions?

Thank you for your interest in partnering wish us.  You will be contacted the first week in August for additional information if your agency has been selected.  Feel free to contact the office for any questions.  Shari Sorenson, Service Learning and Community Outreach Coordinator   402.465.2439 or