Community Learning Needs Assessment - Interlake Region
A needs assessment is a systematic process for identifying local needs, placing needs in order of priority, and allocating resources to resolve the highest priority needs. Needs are commonly defined as identified gaps. Needs assessments involve making decisions about how important the needs are, why they exist, and how they can be addressed. Needs assessments can be implemented at three levels: individual, organizational, and societal.
Some local businesses and organizations may be interested in organizational needs assessments or training needs analysis. These assessments may be requested by employers to address professional development needs or develop specific employee skill sets.
The purpose of the needs assessment is to support adult learning and labour market participation by better understanding the educational needs of adult learners in the community and the skill needs of local employers. The assessment will help to identify the learning assets that already exist within the community, and contribute to the development of new education and training programs to address gaps.