
The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and ZERO TO THREE are working together to promote a policy agenda for infants and toddlers as part of the Building Strong Foundations: Advancing Comprehensive Policies for Infants, Toddlers, and Families project. We recently released a series of framing documents and policy rationales that provide an overview of the 13 core policy areas necessary to promote infant-toddler wellbeing in the United States. These policy rationales are intended to be foundational and easy for a broad audience to understand and use in their research and advocacy work. You can find all the published resources on the CLASP and ZERO TO THREE websites.

We are seeking feedback on these resources from researchers, advocates, and policymakers, as well as information about how you have used or intend to use the resources; how the resources could be more helpful to you; and what other resources would be helpful in your work.

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