Goals - Page 1

The City of Lafayette receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant funding (CDBG) from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). As the lead agency of the Lafayette Housing Consortium, the City also receives and administers HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds (HOME).  These funds are intended to support community development efforts, aimed primarily towards persons of low to moderate income, by supporting the creation of decent/affordable housing, a suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunities.

To receive funding each year, the City of Lafayette, in conjunction with the City of West Lafayette and the Lafayette Housing Consortium, must complete a Five-Year Consolidated Plan and update it annually with an Action Plan.  The current Consolidated Plan covers the years 2015 – 2019.  This is the third year of the Consolidated Plan. 

Below are the priorities and goals from the 2015 -2019 Consolidated Plan.  Please rate the priorities and goals by how significant you find them to be in relation to our community’s current needs (low to high priority).   Please use the text boxes under each priority to suggest other goals that are not currently covered by the Consolidated Plan.

Question Title

* 1. Creation of Suitable Communities

  Low Medium High N/A
Improve public facilities, such as sidewalk and curb replacement, neighborhood parks and recreational improvements, tree planting, homeless facilities and other public facilities/community centers, that benefit low and moderate-income individuals.
Improve public facilities to comply with ADA accessibility requirements.

Question Title

* 2. Improve Access to Affordable Housing

  Low Medium High N/A
Stabilize homeownership by providing home repairs.
Create more affordable homeownership opportunity through the creation and/or rehabilitation of housing.
Create more affordable rental housing opportunity through the creation or rehabilitation of rental units or provision of tenant based rental assistance.

Question Title

* 3. Strong Social Services

  Low Medium High N/A
Support public services that serve homeless individuals and families.
Support public services that help families and individuals living below the poverty line.  

Question Title

* 4. Remove Slum and Blight

  Low Medium High N/A
Remove unsafe structures to reduce their threat to the health and safety of neighboring households.
Improve historic buildings to remove code deficiencies.

Question Title

* 5. Improve Coordination and Advocate for Fair Housing

  Low Medium High N/A
Support fair housing initiatives.