The Association for Community Health Improvement (ACHI) is pleased to announce its call for applicants to serve on the Advisory Council for 2018-2021. There will be up to six council positions open for the 2018 cycle.

Participating on the ACHI Advisory Council enables you to apply your leadership and vision to ACHI and contribute to defining its path forward. Council members encourage diversity in viewpoints and collective decision-making, and provide strategic leadership on the future focus of ACHI. Please read the "Advisory Council Description, Application and Selection Process" web page prior to completing this application.

A committee comprised of current Advisory Council members will review all applications and provide recommendations for acceptance. Finalists may be contacted for additional information.

Application period: December 14, 2017 - January 12, 2018
Notifications: January 19, 2018

Please contact us at with any questions. 

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 5. Please list up to two previous professional positions related to community health:

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* 6. Briefly describe your primary activities in community health at the local, state or national levels. These may include work in both paid and volunteer roles. (300 words or less)

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* 7. List any relevant professional training, awards or honors you have received.

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* 8. List any of your activities with or participation in ACHI. (e.g., committee work, presentations for any webinars or conferences, attendance at ACHI events, or other engagement.)

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* 9. Describe your vision of population health and how ACHI can be a positive force for improving community health. (300 words or less)

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* 10. Describe your motivation for joining the ACHI Advisory Council and the value you would bring to the organization. (300 words or less, please)

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* 11. Application Confirmation