National Association for Home Care & Hospice: 2017 Potential Hospice Priorities

The National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) is seeking member input on its hospice legislative and regulatory priorities for 2017. Please complete this questionnaire by to Friday, February 3, 2017. Complete this questionnaire only if your agency provides hospice services. Only one form per hospice, please.

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* 1. How would you prioritize each of the hospice LEGISLATIVE issues below?

  Lowest Priority Highest Priority
Enact the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA)
Reject Efforts to Include Hospice as Part of the Medicare Advantage Benefit Package
Revise Requirements for Hospice Face-to-face Encounters
Ensure the Full Market Basket Update for the Medicare Hospice Benefit
Reject Additional Beneficiary Cost Sharing for Hospice Services under Medicare Reform Efforts
Ensure Access to Care for Rural  Hospice Patients
Oversee the Impact of Hospice Payment Reform; Reject Rebasing and Site-of-service Adjustment for NF Residents
Provide Full Disclosure of Hospice Availability and Choice of Hospice Provider to Terminally Ill Beneficiaries Residing in SNFs/NFs
Ensure Access to Medications Necessary for Pain Control
Allow PAs to Serve as Hospice Attending Physicians; Allow NPs and PAs to Certify/Recertify Patients for Medicare Hospice Services
Protect and Expand Hospice Coverage under Medicaid
Protect Hospice Agencies from the Impact of Sequential Billing
Oppose Imposition of Penalties for Erroneous Certification of Terminal Illness
Oversee Hospice Quality Reporting Program.
Support the Portability of Advance Directives; Create an Advance Care Planning Benefit under Medicare
Enact Hospice-specific Compliance Measures

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* 2. How would you prioritize each of the hospice REGULATORY issues below?

  Lowest Priority Highest Priority
Address Burdensome and Costly Issues Related to Processing of Notices of Election (NOEs) and Notices of Termination/Revocation (NOTRs)
Work with Stakeholders to Clarify “Relatedness” and Address Coding Issues under Hospice Care
Protect Hospice Patient Access to Part D Drugs for Conditions Unrelated to the Hospice Diagnoses
Establish Time Frames for Approval of Hospice Location Changes
Enforce Requirement that Medicaid Hospice Benefits Mirror Those in Medicare
Work with Hospice Industry to Evaluate Impact of Hospice Payment Reform; Reject Rebasing and Site-of-service Adjustment for NF Residents
Provide Full Disclosure of Hospice Availability and Choice of Provider to Terminally Ill Beneficiaries Residing in SNFs/NFs
Revise Face-to-Face Requirements for Hospices
Address Payment Delays and Increased Regulatory Burdens Caused by Sequential Billing Policy for Hospice
Encourage Accountability for Hospice Utilization
Promote Nationwide Consistency of LCDs that Reflect Current Hospice Coding and Diagnosis Requirements
Base Survey Frequency for Medicare Hospice Providers on Performance
Compensate Physicians for Hospice Certifications
Proceed with a Thoughtful and Deliberate Expansion of the Hospice Quality Reporting Program
Reinstate Presumptive Status for Hospice Waiver of Liability
Study Hospice Reimbursement for Dually-eligible Patients Residing in Nursing Facilities
Expand the Use of and Reimbursement for Technologies in Hospice
Oppose Efforts to Require Physician Certification Forms to Include a False Claims Warning
Create Waiver for Exception to Social Work Supervision Requirement
Clarify Hospice Responsibilities Related to Disposal of Controlled Medications
Ensure Appropriate Development of Performance-based Payment for Medicare Hospice Services

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* 3. Thank you for providing feedback regarding NAHC's 2017 Hospice Legislative & Regulatory Priorities. Please consider providing the following demographic information for NAHC's data analysis (optional).

Please state your affiliation.

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* 4. In which state(s) does your company provide home care OR in which state(s) is your association? Please list all applicable states.

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* 5. Please check all the types of services provided by your company.

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* 6. What is the annual home care revenue for your company?

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* 7. Describe your company. Please check all that apply.

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* 8. What percentage of your revenue comes from Medicare?

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* 9. What percentage of your revenue comes from Medicaid?

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* 10. What percentage of your revenue comes from Private Pay?

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* 11. What percentage of your revenue comes from revenue sources other than Medicare, Medicaid, and Private Pay?