1. 2016 BSA Outdoor Ethics Progress Report Instructions.

100% of survey complete.
BSA uses the information that you provide to help assess progress on Leave No Trace across the country, to report Scouting's progress in Leave No Trace education to the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics and to assess where the National Council should provide more support to its local councils.  If your council has not yet appointed a Council Outdoor Ethics Advocate, please consider doing so at this time by completing this form with the correct information. 

Question Title

* 1. Council Name:

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* 2. Outdoor Ethics Advocate Information (enter "none" if none)

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* 3. Is the Outdoor Ethics Advocate (choose all that apply)

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* 4. If you are not the council outdoor ethics advocate, please provide your contact information here.

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* 5. How many districts are in your council?

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* 6. Does the council have (check all that apply):

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* 7. Does your council have any motorized activities at any of its council camps (check all that apply)?

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* 8. How many of each do you have (Do not count Leave No Trace Master Educators as Trainers; similarly, do not count Master Tread Trainers as Tread Trainers). Active individuals are new in the position within the last year, OR have worked with the council within last two years teaching an LNT 101 course, an LNT Trainer course or actively promoted outdoor ethics in the council.  Inactive have not.

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* 9. Are your active LNT Master Educators and Master Tread Trainers listed in your council's Outdoor Ethics Contacts page on the www.outdoorsethics-bsa.org website (http://www.outdoorethics-bsa.org/contacts/COEAs.php)?  Please send corrections or updates to updates@outdoorethics-bsa.org. 

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* 10. This question asks about the number of Outdoor Ethics courses offered in your council during the year and the number of participants in each type of outdoor ethics activity. Estimates are acceptable for other than Master Educator and Trainer courses.

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* 11. Please provide any feedback that you would like to share with the BSA Outdoor Ethics Task Force?

Thank you for taking the time to provide this important information on the progress of the BSA outdoor ethics program in your local council. Please feel free to contact Eric Hiser, BSA Outdoor Ethics task force reporting coordinator, at ehiser.BSA@gmail.com if you have any questions.