Thank you for participating in the CPSR-NTA Mentorship Program. To help us improve this trainee program, please take a moment to answer the following questions - comments/feedback are welcomed and appreciated!

Note: Please complete this survey only once; if you were both a mentor AND mentee, please indicate/clarify comments specific for each role.

Question Title

* 1. How are you involved in the CPSR-NTA Mentorship Program?

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* 2. How would you describe communications for this program?

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* 3. How would you describe the mentoring match system?

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* 4. If you were a MENTEE, when did you start communicating with your mentor ? (Indicate approximate date - if you have never met with your mentor, put 01/01/0001)


Question Title

* 5. If you were a MENTOR, when did you start communicating with your mentee? (Indicate approximate date - if you have never met with your mentee, put 01/01/0001)


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* 6. How have you been keeping in touch with your mentoring partner? (select all the apply)

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* 7. How often (approximately) have you met or communicated with your partner in the past year?

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* 8. How would you rate your experience with your mentoring partner?

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* 9. What has been (if any) the most rewarding part of this partnership? (if you were both a mentor and mentee, please elaborate/clarify in this comments section)

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* 10. What has been (if any) the least satisfying part of this partnership (e.g. most frustrating, least useful)? (if you were both a mentor and mentee, please elaborate/clarify in this comments section)

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* 11. Would you re-apply to this program as a mentee or mentor in the future?

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* 12. Do you have any suggestions for changes or improvements to the program you would like to see in the future?