Maryland Green Schools 2016/17 Metrics

This survey is a required element of the 2016/17 application. The metrics describe numerically the Sustainable Practices included in Objective 2 of the application. Please quantify all of Sustainable Practices taking place in your school. 

This data is an important tool used by MAEOE to calculate the state-wide efforts of our Maryland Green School program. Please quantify the activities undertaken in the building or site during the application period.

There are 7 Sustainable Practices categories. If you have conducted practices not included on our list, please document these in the “Other and Comment” boxes for the appropriate category.

You may exit and return to your survey at any point. Please fill in all the categories possible.
If you have any questions, please email us at

We look forward to seeing your application in the Spring. Thank you - MAEOE

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. In your school, how many...

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* 3. My School is applying for a

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* 4. Please copy and paste your Top 5 accomplishments here. Use ONE SENTENCE or a phrase for each accomplishment. This will NOT be scored when reviewing your application, but it is required and does give the reviewers an indication of what is important to the school/center. Your Top 5 are shared at the MD Green Schools Youth Summit.

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* 5. From whom have you had assistance? (choose all that apply)

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* 6. If you answered the previous question please list the name of your Green Leader or Green Center. If you answered No, please enter N/A.

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* 7. What type of help did you get from the Green Leader or Green Center?