2016 Keep America Beautiful/UPS Community Tree & Recovery Tree Planting Grants           

Application Deadline: April 25, 2016 

The UPS Foundation has been a supporter of Keep America Beautiful since funding KAB’s Volunteer Management program in 2004. The corporation’s leadership in environmental issues and outstanding efforts to promote and sustain volunteerism in America earned UPS the Keep America Beautiful Vision for America Award in 2007. In 2008, The UPS Foundation realigned its global strategy and announced a renewed focus on environmental sustainability.

In 2016, The UPS Foundation is proud to offer the Keep America Beautiful/UPS Community Tree & Recovery Tree Planting Grants in the amount of $160,000 consisting of the following:

1) 25 grants @ $5,000 each for Community Tree Planting Projects
2)   5 grants @ $5,000 each for Post-Recovery Tree Planting Projects
3)   1 grant @ $10,000 for a large scale Post-Recovery Tree Planting Project

Community Tree Planting Projects will address one or more of the following: reducing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and greenhouse gas emissions through strategic plantings; emphasizing the importance of native trees; or planting fruit trees to produce fruit for local consumption.

Post-Recovery Tree Planting Projects will be given to affiliates whose communities have lost significant trees as a result of a natural disaster. These grants will focus on planting trees that have a greater likelihood of withstanding disasters ( e.g., roots hold soil and prevent erosion, lessen runoff to mitigate flooding).

 - Projects will demonstrate long term operational and financial sustainability.
 - Priority will be given to affiliates that encourage and have an articulated plan for UPS employee engagement in tree planting projects.

KAB Affiliate Eligibility & Proposal Requirements:

  • KAB certified affiliates in good standing are eligible to apply.
  • Proposals should clearly describe the need for the project in the community.
  • A strong sustainability plan must be included in the proposal.
  • Employee engagement plan to utilize and capture/track the number of UPS employees involved in the project.

    Recipients Announced: May 16, 2016  
    Wrap-Up Report Due: June 5, 2017

    Reporting Requirements:

    Upon completion of the winning projects, affiliates will be required to report on:

    1) Number of Trees
    2) Type, Size, Caliper and Height of Trees
    3) Measurement of Tree Canopies (for projects aimed at reducing CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions)
    4) Tree Planting Location and Justification
    5) Project Summary 
    6) Goals and Intended Outcomes Met
    7) Community Impact 
    8) Results: Metrics and/or Anecdotal Information
    9) Media Outreach 
    10) UPS Employee Numbers & Engagement Results

    QUESTIONS? Contact Grace Keegan