*All auction items must have a minimum value of $150
*All gift cards/certificates must have a minimum value of $100
*Please keep in mind that many auction winners choose to ship their baskets home. Consider the following things in order to keep shipping expenses at a minimum such as: Gift Cards/Certificates; Jewelry; Experiences such as cooking classes, spa treatments, golf outings, theater, concert or sporting event tickets etc

Question Title

* 1. Donor (Name of Person or Company as it should appear in print)

Question Title

* 2. Donating

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* 3. Item Title (as it will appear on bid sheet).

Question Title

* 4. Item Description (as it will appear on bid sheet). Please keep in mind auction participants will use this description to determine if they want to place a bid on your item. Be descriptive as possible.

Question Title

* 5. Item Value (minimum $150)

Question Title

* 6. Shipping/delivering your auction donation.  Items should arrive October 13-14, prior to October 13 will not be accepted. Items delivered October 15, may not be displayed until October 16.

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* 7. I would like to help underwrite the cost of shipping the item to the winning bidder.

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* 8. Contact Information-

All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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